If you have an emergency, be it fire, medical, or criminal, always dial 911. All of our Department responses to an emergency come from Marion County Dispatch as a result of your 911 call.

Jeff Wolf recently completed the State of Tennessee’s Firefighter I training course. This class was a HUGE commitment of time and energy on Jeff’s part. The prerequisites to take this 280-hour Fire Fighter I course were 96 hours of basic firefighting training, followed by 84 hours of Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) and Hazmat Operations training. The Hazmat and FF I courses were held in Chattanooga at the Hamilton County Fire Training Center.
Jeff started the Hazmat courses last August and completed them at the end of October and then immediately rolled into the FF I training starting last November, with the class being completed at the end of May. These courses required Jeff to go to Chattanooga on Monday and Wednesday nights, with some Saturday sessions as well. Jeff’s FF I certification and willingness to share what he’s learned with us brings our department up another notch as we work to protect the Highlands.

Thanks to the tremendous generosity of the Jasper Highlands residents during our fundraising events of the past year we have been able to purchase some excellent firefighting equipment. A number of critical items have been purchased. What is especially exciting are our DeWalt Lithium-Ion All Electric Power Implements: reciprocating saws, chainsaws, and circular cutoff saws. One set of each for every fire truck! These tools give our firefighters the ability to execute cutting requirements instantaneously with an enormous amount of power. They are light weight, simple, reliable, and quick.

This month’s Firefighter Spotlight is on U.S. Navy Veteran Gary Benanti from New York.
What did you do in your professional life before moving to Jasper Highlands?
I was Suffolk County PSEG Manager for over 75 high voltage electric substations throughout Long Island, New York. My responsibilities included oversight of operations, maintenance, and new construction. I worked this career for 39 years.
What made you want to become a firefighter at this stage of your life?
Jasper Highlands has a wonderful sense of Community and at the young age of 60, I felt that I could contribute. I want to be part of that and give something back.
What do you like most about Jasper Highlands Fire Department?
Words cannot describe the wonderful group of people who give selflessly to the Community of Jasper Highlands. From the great leadership of our officers to the new Firefighters, I feel a sense of family. Each member looks to grow the Department and themselves. It’s a great place to be!

Mark your calendars for July 2, 2022 as JHFD kicks off the 4th of July Weekend with an exciting Festival and Open House!

You can effortlessly support the Jasper Highlands Fire Department by using AmazonSmile.com when purchasing merchandise on the Internet. Amazon will make a charitable donation of .5% of your purchase value to our fire Department at no additional cost to you! During signup, simply type in Jasper Highlands Volunteer Fire Department, Location: Union Grove, AL as that is where our finance department is located. This is a great way to accumulate dollars to help us protect you!

If you would like to join our team, please contact Chief Lowell Hardin at ph. 256-529-1658. Thank you and stay safe!
RD Johnson